What if I told you the secret to the perfect network. Would you be interested? Whether you’re looking to earn some extra income or you’re a million dollar company on your way to becoming a billion dollar company. The answer to take your game to the next level is right in front of you. It’s skinning. App reskinning can be one of the biggest passive income opportunities. But only if you do it right and put in the work. Check out how Etermax.. the company behind Preguntados / Trivia Crack is reskinning their games… 🙂
Step 1: Find something that works and produces a profit. Step 2: Repeat the process. To learn about our entire app business building process, click here. Developing an app takes a lot of heart and energy. Our goal with skins isn’t to duplicate apps, but to reach new audiences by changing the theme and appearance.
1 Comment
Great insight – thank you for the article.
I totally agree having the same/similar gameplay with a different theme is alright in my book – as long as the game is played by a specific audience even on the same platform or game portal.
Only game analytics and game data should be the decisive factor here and not personal opinions.